At SPAH, we will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of the pupils and to make sure that all our procedures for dealing with child protection issues comply to the highest standards of the safeguarding guidelines.

In situations where we believe a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, all staff at the school have a duty to follow Haringey’s child protection procedures which have been adopted by the governing body. This also involves informing Social Services of our concerns and taking their advice on how to proceed.

For more information, please read our: Safeguarding Policy, our Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures, or make an appointment to speak to one of the designated members of staff:

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Kelly Thompson (Assistant Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Christalla Jamil (Executive Headteacher)

Andries Du Toit (Head of School)

Carly Cousins (Deputyhead)