Music Tuition

 Whole Class Music Tuition
All children in year 4 have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument.
Our year 4 classes learn to play the guitar and our year 5 pupils learn to play the steel pans. The tuition is delivered by Nick, Virat and Theresa from from Haringey Music.

At the end of year 4 a group of children are chosen to continue tuition when they go into year 5. These are children who have regularly practised their musical instrument, and have an aptitude for music. We call them our continuers.

Individual Music Tuition
Parents can pay for music Tuition from Haringey Music Tuition Centre.
Any child can learn to play an instrument at any age. If you want your child to have individual or paired tuition with another child, please ask for a 'Music Centre Tuition' form at the school reception.