Collective Worship

Every day our school community comes together for collective worship. As a Church school our collective worship reflects the ethos of the school and the traditions of the Church of England while valuing the contribution of those of other faiths.

We encourage children to regard collective worship as a period of calm, respectful reflection: to be quiet and thoughtful, to listen carefully to the leader and to participate in prayer and songs if they feel able. We create a peaceful atmosphere by using music and candles and other elements that act as a focal point for the attention of the children.

Every day, a different member of staff or clergy leads our collective worship:

  • Monday worship is led by our Head of School or Class Teachers.

  • Tuesday worship is led by our Head of School.

  • Wednesday worship is led by our Class Teachers. Once every term, each class also shares their learning at a Wednesday worship and parents are welcome to join us.

  • Thursday worship is led by a member from the team at St Paul’s Church.

  • Friday worship is where we celebrate achievement in the school from the past week with a particular focus on our Spiritual Values.

We encourage all children to attend, however if there are any parents who wish to withdraw their children from collective worship, please contact us to make an appointment for an informal chat with the Head of School.

Further information can be found in our Collective Worship Policy.